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Stage Works


Kierre (2012)


- a physical theatre performance about intoxication (55 min)

at Lenkkiteatteri, Helsinki

- concept, choreography & direction: Jenni Sainio

- working group: Saara Saastamoinen, Marko Pakarinen, Antti Kokkola, Tommi Hyvönen, Jenni Sainio & Maria Hyökyvaara

- production: Lenkkiteatteri, Maria Hyökyvaara, Jenni Sainio


- also drama workshops for high school students about the theme were led aside the performance with the support of City of Helsinki Cultural Office

MOVING ART 2013-2014


- a four-part project combining movement and visual art & sound and light design

- produced in Lenkkiteatteri & Taidelaboratorio Viiskulma


- part 1: BODY MOVING - PAINTING IN ACTION! -performance (15 min)

- part 2: FINE ART MEETS URBAN ART REVOLUTION! -workshop (2x6 hrs)

- part 3: DESIGN OF TRACE -performance (45 min)

- part 4: METAMORPHOSIS -final exhibition


- concept: Jenni Sainio (in cooperation with visual artist Eina Aho)

- direction: Jenni Sainio

- working group: Elina Aho, Sami Rekola, Markus Lindén, Eero Erkamo & Jenni Sainio

- production: Lenkkiteatteri, Jenni Sainio, Maria Hyökyvaara

- project produced with the support of City of Helsinki Cultural Office

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Shadowland (2019)

- an autobiographical solo performance (45'): recorded speech, music, movement & singing

- text, direction, performance: Jenni Sainio

- performances in Rikhardinkatu library, Helsinki May 2019

Stage Works

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