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Workshops & Teaching

Workshops=sharing & learning together carry the blessing for great inspiration.


Some of my most memorable moments of gratitude have happened while either leading a workshop or participating in one. Workshop now. You only have this one precious life!


Since 2011 I've led both movement workshops and drama workshops for children, for mixed art professionals from different art forms, disabled people and for high school classes. Employers: ESKO - Espoo school of performing arts, Otavan Opisto /Kriittinen Korkeakoulu & Lenkkiteatteri.


I use the pedagogical tools and approaches of Jacques Lecoq and like to play and work with combining elements from other art forms as well. I highlight the perception of others moving as important as moving oneself. Creativity, enthusiasm and very often unforgettably beautiful humaneness stand out during the workshops. Learning to experience and appreciate the richness of expression in human body and the huge variety of movement and its meanings lie at the core of my teaching.


I do organise, plan & lead workshops by request. And I do it more than gladly!



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